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Specialized Field of Activity

Specialized Field of Activity
Control, Monitoring, Data recording

Description of the Company's Activities, Products & Services

About Company:
Mana Hosh Daneshazma company started its official activity on 05/11/1395 under the registration number 14314 at the Companies Registration Office of Qom province.

On 12/21/1395, this company was recognized as a start-up knowledge-based company by the Vice President of Science and Technology, on 1396/07/01, it became a member of the Science and Technology Park of Qom province, and at the same time as it was established in the Science and Technology Park Technology, succeeded in obtaining the license of the technology unit.

The main core of the company was created by a group of Amirkabir University of Technology graduates from various engineering fields with several years of cooperation. The main goal of the company is to help improve the country's technology level in the field of real-time data recording and control systems. These systems have wide applications in various industrial, agricultural, defense and even domestic applications.

Mana Hoosh Daneshazma company hopes to solve some of the basic needs of the country in related fields and to help improve Iran's technology position among the countries of the world, however small.

vision :
Our vision is to be the first choice in the field of designing and manufacturing control and monitoring systems in the field of industry, testing and measuring equipment and laboratory equipment, and by supplying domestic needs, we will make the country free from foreign products.

In order to achieve this goal, we rely on the knowledge and expertise and the round-the-clock efforts of domestic specialists and considering the current needs of various industries in the country, we try to design and produce high-quality industrial products that can compete with similar foreign products.

Contact Information

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Mana Hoosh Danesh Azma

Control, Monitoring, Data recording