The Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Russian metrological institute of technical physics and radioengineering» (FSUE «VNIIFTRI»)
Specialized Field of Activity
Description of the Company's Activities, Products & Services
FSUE «VNIIFTRI» is one of the largest national metrology institutes, which carries out activities for reproducing the national time scale and reference frequencies, determine the parameters of the Earth’s rotation, and developing, improving, maintaining, comparing and applying the state primary standards of units of quantities, conducts fundamental and applied research, experimental developments.
FSUE «VNIIFTRI» produces more than 150 types of metrological products, including 35 types of radio frequency measurement equipment. The enterprise aims at new projects to develop and put into production new types of measuring
instruments to extend the product range as well as achieving technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation in the fields of instrument-making and metrological assurance.