Zharfandishan Fanavar Zistbaspar (ZFZ)
Specialized Field of Activity
Description of the Company's Activities, Products & Services
Draw Your Dreams by ZFZ, a Life Science and Technology Company. Our goal is to solve hard problems in science by collaborating with the global scientific community. Specifically, we produce laboratory intermediate materials with a desired quality and competitive price, and to offer the world the best.
The phrase “Above and Beyond” defines our relationship with customers and is reflected in our commitment to helping them reach their goals. We embrace challenges and would rather innovate a new path than naively accept the word “impossible.”
Zharfandishan Fanavar Zistbaspar (ZFZ) is a Knowledge-Based Company that started operating in 2018 with the aim of manufacturing advanced polymeric materials, medical devices, and providing laboratory intermediate chemicals. We utilize experts’ knowledge from various fields of chemistry, biology and engineering in our research and development unit that led us to a broad scope of activities in a short period of time. We now have a broad portfolio of 130 products with an exceptional global footprint.