Designing, consulting and manufacturing educational, laboratory and research equipment
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Iran Health Exhibition B2B Forum - 19-21 May 2024 (This event has ended)
Design and Production of Processing and Sampling Boards
Producing Laboratory Equipment
Design and construction of petroleum engineering laboratory equipment
Manufacturing labratory equipment in the petroleum industry
Oil, Gas, Petrochemicals & Metallurgy
Research and development in the field of legal medical sciences
Design and manufacture of Laboratory Test Equipment for testing the mechanical properties of materials
Design and manufacture of Laboratory Test Equipment for testing the mechanical properties of materials
Design and production of a complete set of pathology and histology laboratory equipment
Manufacture of laboratory and industrial test chambers and ultra low temperature freezers, ice maker machines and ...
Polymer / Pharmaceutical / Food Process Equipment
Accelerator Power Supply
Medical Education and Simulation
Neuroscience Products
Production of Research Devices
Compound and Masterbatch Manufacturer
Compounds and Polymer Additive
Polymer Compounds
Passive Networking and CCTV
Data driven solutions & AI
Computer Networks (Network router), MDM (Mobile device management), EMM (Enterprise mobility management)
Media broadcast and communication equipment manufacturer and solution provider
Medical Robotics including Robotic Telesurgery, Robotic Rehabilitation, Clinical Training Simulators
Laoratory Equipment
Pharmaceutical Holding
Health and Pharmaceutical
manufacturer of medical clothing
laparoscopy manufacturer
Entrepreneurship, Science and Technology Park
iran silkroad ntl business supply &export marketing &investors developer group eurasia iran ®ionb2b
Manuficturer of Medical Devices
Medical Equipment
Physiotherapy Equipment
Special Medical Needle Manufacturing- Cosmetics
Producing Various Ranges of Cleaning Clothes Related to Clean Rooms
Pharmaceutical Manufacturer
Manufacturer of Medical Devices and Physiotherapy Devices
IVD Laboratory Diagnostics Kits Manufacturing